Benton Bleaching Earth provides higher contact surface area with Neutralized oil, adsorption of coloring pigments like Chlorophyll, Cartons and Pheophyn is better. This results in requirement of lower dosages of Benton wash clays compared to others.
The higher adsorption capacity also empowers effective removal of gums (Phospholipids), Free Fatty Acids and Soap Content.
Impactful Benefit :
Better adsorption leads efficient adsorption reducing per liter bleaching costs.
Lower Oil Filtration time :
Particle size of the Earth needs to be a balance, not too fine, leading to choking of filters, not too large to be ineffective. We have mastered the art of finding the right size distribution increasing the speed of oil filtration.
Longer oil Filtration time is unproductive, shorter time, leads to poor press bleach effect and hence a meticulous balancing is what we provide by using best in class temperature filtration apparatus and control through right bleaching earth.
Lower Oil Retention :
Pore Diameter, Total Pore volume, surface area and wash burn equation are few of the many parameters that determine optimum pore diameter. BENTON’s porosimetry expertise empowers lower oil retention in the process while not compromising on the throughput.
Impactful Benefit :
Releases more oil per cycle, premising better yields and hence profits/bottom lines for customer.
Optimum Moisture Content :
15% is the magic moisture content for excellent bleaching performance. At higher content, flow properties of wash clay starts to deteriorate, at lower values, the porosity reduces drastically. 10-12% is acceptable.
Impactful Benefit :
We specify Moisture content clearly so our customers know that we are supplying as we promised, keeping the bleaching earth powder free flowing.
Controlled Bulk Density :
To maintain best reproducible results, we employ specialized automatic state of the art equipment that assesses bulk density of activated bleaching earth powder, giving precise and accurate information for process quality control and management.
Impactful Benefit :
Have better control over in process quality and reduces rejections, thereby increasing higher outputs.
Controlled Residual Activity :
A customer is inclined to prefer high residual acidity for its better color removal properties, but this can result in formation of peroxides, free fatty acids and phosphatides in the oil, rendering it useless. Benton provides Controlled Residual activity in our wash clay.
Impactful Benefit :
Optimum controlled residual activity provides the required color removal while maintaining usability of oil.
3MCPD Reduction advantage:
3MCPD is believed to be carcinogenic at higher values in edible oils. Benton bleaching earth reduces 3MCPD drastically.
Impactful Benefit :
Bleach your oil with confidence of improving and protecting lives.